Heather gives workshops and webinars about collaboration, building community, nurturing big ideas, and breaking down mindset, skillset, and resource barriers for writers. She also talks on panels about writing kidlit, YA, and self-publishing.
If you want Heather to speak at your event, please send an email to hegkelly(at)gmail(dot)com.
If you want to know where Heather is speaking next, visit her FIND ME page.
Photo credit: Pam Vaughan
Heather running the 2016 NE-SCBWI Conference, The Power of (Re) Invention
Creatively WIN Your Writing
Based on Heather’s workbook, Creatively WIN: Jumpstart your Writing in 30 days, she will take you step-by-step through as many of the 20 worksheets from her book as time allows. You will collaboratively cut down barriers, formulate plans, and design your own blueprint for your own writing successes. All worksheets will be yours to continue working on long after the workshop ends!
Photo credit: Pam Vaughan
Heather speaking at NESCBWI conference with Josh Funk
Nurturing big ideas
We all have big ideas, but too often we don’t act on them. We let doubt and fear derail us. In this hands-on workshop we’ll get the creative juices going and open ourselves up to all our big ideas. Learn to nurture and activate them, whether ideas for stories, communities, or some other crazy thing! Putting your big ideas into action is the best way to follow your true path to success.
At AN Unlikely story
Kristen Wixted and Heather
Stick with your buddy—The benefits of collaboration (with kristen wixted)
Ever feel like writing a book is overwhelming? Working with partners can help in many ways: it can unlock creativity, help you stay focused and accountable, keep you organized, and more. In this unique workshop, you’ll see that whether your project is MG or YA, a picture book, or an illustrated anthology, you don’t have to do it alone. This includes big projects and little ones, both traditional publishing and self-publishing, for writers and artists. Write with a friend (or relative!), or make a book with a whole group of writers and artists. Kristen Wixted and Heather Kelly, co-editors of An Assortment of Animals: A Children’s Poetry Anthology, have done just about all of it, including co-authored picture books, MG novels, and YA series. They’ll show you how you can, too. Leave the workshop inspired and with a blueprint of how to get going and collaborate!
Photo credit: pam vaughan
Bringing Writing Ideas to Success
Based on tried and true methods used in coaching and workshops, Heather works with you to identify and overcome barriers that stand in the way of bringing your ideas to writing fruition. In a collaborative workshop space, you'll learn to build your community and become a more resilient writer. You'll leave with a blueprint tailored to your own personal idea of writing success!
photo credit: Pam vaughan
Heather is happy to speak on panels about MG, YA, tween, world building, self-publishing, and resiliency in writers